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    Staff Directory

    Dr Mitch Crook

    BSc,PhD, and MA (Teaching and Learning in HE)

    Taught Postgraduate Programmes Manager/Principal Lecturer

    Photograph of Mitch

    Teaching Duties

    • Crop Improvement
    • Global Food Production
    • Alternative Crops
    • Sustainable Crop Production
    • BSc and Masters Level teaching

    Research Interests

    • Lodging in cereals
    • Liquid Biofuels
    • Plant biomechanics
    • Pest Management (of slugs) in cereals
    • Optimisation of bioethanol yield from oilseed rape straw using immobilised microorganisms
    • Improving sorghum harvesting and threshing systems for Soutern African farmers. 

    Professional Memberships

    • Higher Education Academy

    Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment

    Tel: +44 (0)1952 815432

    Fax: +44 (0)1952 814783

    Office: PC105

    Research profile:


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    Other publications

    • Crook, M.J. 2007.   (2007) Rice is more than nice. Biological Sciences Review, 20, 29-32.
    •  Brooks A.S., Wilcox A., Cook R. & Crook M.J. (2006) (2006) The alternative food source (red clover) as a  means of reducing slug pest damage to winter wheat: towards field implementation.. Pest Management Science 62:252-262
    • Ray, R.V., Crook M.J., Jenkinson, P. And Edwards, S. (2006). (2006)  Effect of eyespot caused by Oculimacula yallundae and O.acuformis, assessed visually and by competitive PCR. On stem strength associated with lodging resistance and yield of winter wheat.  Journal of Experimental Biology. 57, 2249-2257
    •  Brooks A.S., Wilcox A., Cook R. & Crook M.J. (2005) (2005) A laboratory-based comparison of a molluscicide and an alternative food source (red clover) as means of reducing slug damage to Winter wheat. Pest Management Science 61:715-720
    • Brooks A.S., Crook M.J., Wilcox A. and Cook R.T. (2003) A laboratory evaluation of legumes to the field slug, Deroceras reticulatum. Muller
    • Goodman A.M., Crook M.J. and Ennos A.R. (2001) The anchorage mechanics of winter sown oilseed rape, Brassica napus. L. Annals of Botany 87: 397-404
    Additional Information

    Popular Articles

    1. CROOK, M.J. 2001.  The Adaption of Cereals.  Biological Sciences Review, 13, 30-33.
    2. CROOK, M.J. 2003.  Collapsing Crops.  Biological Sciences Review, 15,16-20.
    3. CROOK, M.J. 2007.Rice is more than nice. Biological Sciences review, 20, 29-32.
    4. CROOK, M.J. 2007. What place has the UK farmer in world biodiesel production? Farmers Club Journal, Spring.

    Other Roles

    • Courses Manager for Extended Foundation Degree Programmes.
    • College Coordinator for European Exchange of Students and Staff (Erasmus).
    • Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Agronomy, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

    Research projects


    You can contact Dr Mitch Crook if you would like to discuss any of the following course modules:



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