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    Professor Dawn Arnold

    Professor and Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research and Research Culture)

    Photograph of Dawn

    Area of Research Expertise: Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions focusing on pathogenic Pseudomonas specifically investigating the role of horizontal gene transfer in the evolution of pathogenicity. More recently I have also been carrying out research into tree pathogens, in particular the bacteria that are associated with Acute Oak Decline in the UK. 

    Sub-areas: Molecular microbiology, genomics, genetics and gene expression.

    Professional Memberships

    • British Society for Plant Pathology
    • Microbiology Society
    • Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology
    • Society for Applied Microbiology



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    Other publications

    • Carrie Brady, Mario Orsi, James M. Doonan, Sandra Denman, Dawn Arnold (2022) Brenneria goodwinii growth in vitro is improved by competitive interactions with other bacterial species associated with Acute Oak Decline Current Research in Microbial Sciences 3
    • Xue-Xian Zhang, Stephen Ritchie, Hao Chang, Dawn Arnold, Robert Jackson, Paul Rainey (2020) Genotypic and phenotypic analyses reveal distinct population structures and ecotypes for sugar beet-associated Pseudomonas in Oxford and Auckland. Ecology and Evolution 10(12): 5963–5975
    • Bueno-Gonzalez V, Brady C, Denman S, Allainguillaume J, Arnold D. (2020) Pseudomonas kirkiae sp. nov., a novel species isolated from oak in the United Kingdom, and phylogenetic considerations of the genera Pseudomonas, Azotobacter and Azomonas. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 70(4):2426-2434
    • Bueno-Gonzalez V, Brady C, Denman S, Plummer S, Allainguillaume J, Arnold D (2019) Pseudomonas daroniae sp. nov. and Pseudomonas dryadis sp. nov., isolated from pedunculate oak affected by acute oak decline in the UK. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 69(11):3368-3376
    • Dawn L Arnold and Gail M Preston (2018) PSEUDOMONAS SYRINGAE: Enterprising epiphyte and stealthy parasite Microbiology 165(3):251-253.
    • Neale HC, Jackson RW, Preston GM, Arnold DL. (2018) Supercoiling of an excised genomic island represses effector gene expression to prevent activation of host resistance. Molecular Microbiology 110(3):444-454
    • Dorati F, Barrett GA, Sanchez-Contreras M, Arseneault T, José MS, Studholme DJ, Murillo J, Caballero P, Waterfield NR, Arnold DL, Shaw LJ, Jackson RW. (2018) Coping with Environmental Eukaryotes; Identification of Pseudomonas syringae Genes during the Interaction with Alternative Hosts or Predators. Microorganisms. Apr 21;6(2).
    • J. Dempsey, I. Wilson, P. T. N. Spencer-Phillips, D. Arnold. (2018) Suppression of the in vitro growth and development of Microdochium nivale by phosphite. Plant Pathology. 67(6):1296-1306
    • Brady C, Arnold D, McDonald J, Denman S. (2018) Taxonomy and identification of bacteria associated with acute oak decline. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 33(7):143.
    • H. Neale, N. Deshappriya, D. Arnold, M. E. Wood, M. Whiteman, J. T. Hancock. (2017) Hydrogen sulfide causes excision of a genomic island in Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 149(4): 911–921.
    • José S. Rufián, Alberto P. Macho, David S. Corry, John Mansfield , Javier Ruiz-Albert, Dawn Arnold, Carmen R. Beuzón (2017) Confocal microscopy reveals in planta dynamic interactions between pathogenic, avirulent and non-pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae strains. Molecular Plant Pathology. 19(3):537-551.
    • Lewis, J. A., Moore, P. C. L., Arnold, D. and Lawrance, L. (2016) Multi-locus sequence typing of Escherichia coli isolates with acquired ampC genes and ampC promoter mutations. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease. 86 (3), 265-267.
    • Rufián JS, Sánchez-Romero MA, López-Márquez D, Macho AP, Mansfield JW, Arnold DL, Ruiz-Albert J, Casadesús J, Beuzón CR. (2016) Pseudomonas syringae Differentiates into Phenotypically Distinct Subpopulations During Colonization of a Plant Host. Environ Microbiol. 18(10):3593-3605.
    • Neale HC, Laister R, Payne J, Preston G, Jackson RW, Arnold DL. (2016) A low frequency persistent reservoir of a genomic island in a pathogen population ensures island survival and improves pathogen fitness in a susceptible host. Environ Microbiol. 18(11):4144-4152.
    • Brady, C., Allainguillaume, J., Denman, S. and Arnold, D. . (2016) Rapid identification of bacteria associated with Acute Oak Decline by high resolution melt (HRM) analysis Letters in Applied Microbiology. 63(2):89-95.
    • Brendan M. O’Leary, Helen C. Neale, Christoph-Martin Geilfus, Robert W. Jackson, Dawn L. Arnold, Gail M. Preston. (2016) Early changes in apoplast composition associated with defence and disease in interactions between Phaseolus vulgaris and the halo blight pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola. Plant Cell and Environment. 39(10):2172-84.
    • Manoharan B, Neale HC, Hancock JT, Jackson RW, Arnold DL. (2015) The Identification of Genes Important in Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola Plant Colonisation Using In Vitro Screening of Transposon Libraries. PLoS One. Sep 1;10(9):e0137355
    • Carrie Brady, Tomohiro Irisawa, Takao Iino, Moriya Ohkuma, Dawn Arnold, Sandra Denman. (2015) Gibbsiella papilionis Kim et al. 2013 is a later heterotypic synonym of Gibbsiella dentisursi Saito et al. 2012. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 65 (12). 4788-4791.

    Research projects



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