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    Staff Directory

    Dr Andrew Cherrill


    Senior Lecturer in Applied Ecology and Entomology

    Photograph of Andrew


    • Applied ecology
    • Biodiversity and ecosystem services
    • Countryside management
    • Entomology

    Research Interests

    • Insect pollinators
    • Biodiversity patterns along gradients of agricultural and urban intensification
    • Vegetation management for invertebrate conservation
    • Inter-observer variation in vegetation mapping

    Professional Memberships

    • British Ecological Society
    • Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management
    • Royal Entomological Society

    Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment

    Research: Entomology Group

    Tel: 01952 815466

    Office: AY 08 Ancellor Yard

    Research profile:


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    Other publications

    • Thomas, J., Segar, S. & Cherrill, A. (2024) Species richness of Orthoptera declines with elevation while elevational range of individual species peaks at mid elevation. Ecology and Evolution 14(2) e10985
    • Ryder, J.T., Cherrill, A., Prew, R., Shaw, J., Thorbeck, P. & Walters, K.F.A. (2019) Impact of enhanced Osmia bicornis (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) populations on pollination and fruit quality in commercial sweet cherry (Prunus avium (L)) orchards. Journal of Apicultural Research 59:1, 77-87
    • Mulio, S. Ã…., & Cherrill, A. (2019) Re-establishment of Auchenorrhyncha (Hemiptera) assemblages following heath and grassland habitat creation on lowland farmland. Annales Zoologici Fennici 57: 1-10.
    • Sutherland K. & Cherrill A.J. (2018) A cultural ecosystem service provided by green infrastructure on campus: students’ recovery from directed attention fatigue. In Aspects of Applied Biology, Volume 139, Ecosystem and habitat management: Research, Policy, Practice. (Ed. Feber et al.) pp. 167-172. Association of Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne.
    • Walters K. & Cherrill A.J. (2018) Response to declining availability of Plant Protection Products: A central role for vegetation management? In Aspects of Applied Biology, Volume 139, Ecosystem and habitat management: Research, Policy, Practice. (Ed. Feber et al.) pp. 103-114. Association of Applied Biologists, Wellesbourne.
    • Walters, K. F.A. & Cherrill A.J. (2018) Can Vegetation Management be a Realistic Response to the Loss of Plant Protection Products? Bulletin of the Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management - In Practice 101: 31-35.
    • A. Cherrill, R. Burkmar, H. Quenu & E. Zentane (2018) Suction duration and numbers of Araneae and Auchenorrhyncha collected in grassland when using an open-ended cylinder to define the sample area. Entomologica Fennica 29: 105-111.
    • A. Cherrill, R. Burkmar, H. Quenu & E. Zentane (2018) Suction duration and numbers of Araneae and Auchenorrhyncha collected in grassland when using an open-ended cylinder to define the sample area. Entomologica Fennica 29: 105-111.
    • Selman, R.G. & Cherrill, A.J. (2018) Journal of Orthoptera Research 27(1): 83-89.
    • Rowley, C., Cherrill, A., Leather, S. R., Hall, D. R. & Pope, T. W. (2018) Factors affecting trap catch in pheromone-based monitoring of saddle gall midge Haplodiplosis marginata (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Pest Management Science 74: 406-412.
    • Cherrill, A., Burkmar, R., Quenu, H. & Zentane, E. (2018) Suction samplers for grassland invertebrates: the species diversity and composition of spider and Auchenorrhyncha assemblages collected with VortisTM and G-vac devices. Bulletin of Insectology 70(2): 283-290.
    • Rowley, C., Cherrill, A. J., Leather, S. R., McCormack, A. W., Skarp, J. E. & Pope, T. W. (2018) PCR-based gut content analysis to identify arthropod predators of Haplodiplosis marginata. Biological Control 115: 112-118.
    • Rowley, C., Cherrill, A., Leather, S. R. & Pope, T. W. (2017) Degree-day based phenological forecasting model of saddle gall midge (Haplodiplosis marginata) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) emergence. Crop Protection 102: 154-160.
    • Rowley, C., Pope, T., Cherrill, A., Leather, S., Fernandez-Grandon, G., & Hall, D. (2017) Development and optimisation of a sex pheromone lure for monitoring populations of saddle gall midge Haplodiplosis marginata. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 163: 82-92.
    • Cherrill, A.J. (2016) Inter-observer variation in habitat survey data: investigating the consequences for professional practice. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 59: 1813-1832.
    • Zentane, E., Quenu, H., Graham, R. & Cherrill, A.J. (2016) Suction samplers for grassland invertebrates: comparison of numbers caught using Vortis and G-vac devices. Insect Conservation and Diversity 9(5): 470-474.
    • Rowley, C., Cherrill, A., Leather, S., Nicholls, C., Ellis, S. & Pope, T. (2016) A review of the biology, ecology and control of saddle gall midge, Haplodiplosis marginata (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) with a focus on phenological forecasting. Annals of Applied Biology 169: 167-179.
    • Cherrill, A. (2015) Large-scale spatial patterns in species richness of Orthoptera in the Greater London area, United Kingdom: relationships with land cover. Landscape Research 40: 476-485.
    • Cherrill, A.J. (2015) European Journal of Entomology 112: 520-524.
    • Stead, V., Cherrill, A. & Pope, T. (2015) Tuning into crayfish. Bulletin of the Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management - In Practice 89: 11-13.
    • Cherrill, A. (2014) The occurrence, causes and consequences of inter-observer variation in identification of Phase 1 and NVC vegetation types. Bulletin of the Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management - In Practice 86: 25-28.
    • Cherrill, A. (2013) Repeatability of vegetation mapping using Phase 1 and NVC approaches: Implications for professional practice and surveyors’ training requirements Bulletin of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Managment - In Practice 81: pp. 41-45.
    • Cherrill, A. (2013) Issues in survey reliability: Launch of a survey of CIEEM members. In Practice - Bulletin of the Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management 82: 35-36.
    • Sparks, T., Britt, C., Cherrill, A., Marrs, R., Mortimer, S., Pywell, R., Rotherham, I., Stokes, V. & Westbury, D.(Editors). (2011) Aspects of Applied Biology 108, Vegetation Management, Association of Applied Biologists, Warwick, UK. 272pp.
    • Cherrill, A.J. (2011) Species richness of Orthoptera in agricultural landscapes. Aspects of Applied Biology 108: 73-80
    • Prasad, K., Cherrill, A.J., Pullan, S., & McNaught, A. (2011) Trends in numbers of birds on farms with Countryside Stewardship arable options in North East England 2003-2009. Aspects of Applied Biology 108: 161-170.
    • Cherrill, A.J. (2010) Species richness of Orthoptera along gradients of agricultural intensification and urbanisation. Journal of Orthoptera Research 19: 293-301.
    • Andrews, M., Maule, H., Hodge, S., Cherrill, A.J. & Raven, J.A. (2009) Seed dormancy, nitrogen nutrition and shade acclimation of Impatiens glandulifera: implications for invasion of deciduous woodland. Plant Ecology and Diversity 2: 145-153.
    • Cherrill, A.J. (2009) Reporting, archiving and sharing ecological data: guidance on Metadata Standards. IEEM Technical Guidance Series.
    • Cherrill, A.J., Pullan, S. & Jefferson, R. (Editors) (2009) The ecology and management of grasslands in North East England. Proceedings of the 1st North East England Conference of the Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management, 2nd April 2007. 94pp.
    • Cherrill, A.J. (2007) Reporting, archiving and sharing ecological survey data: do we need metadata standards? Developing best practice in survey and reporting. Proceedings of IEEM’s Spring Conference, 18th April 2007, London. Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management, Winchester.
    • Cherrill, A.J., Atkinson, D., Zhang, C., & Zeng, G. (2007) Heathland creation on former agricultural land in Gateshead, North East England. Aspects of Applied Biology 82: 13-22.
    • Britt, C., Cherrill, A., Le Duc, M., Marrs, R., Pywell, R., Sparks, T. & Willoughby. (Editors). (2007) Aspects of Applied Biology 82, Vegetation Management, Association of Applied Biologists, Warwick, UK. 226pp.
    • Cherrill, A.J. & Haswell, M. (2006) Identifying the stage and developmental history of grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in a species with a variable number of instars. Entomologists Gazette 57: 109-114.
    • Cherrill, A.J. (2005) Body size and phenology of the grasshopper species Chorthippus brunneus with variable numbers of female instars. Entomologia Generalis 28: 219-231.
    • Cherrill, A.J. (2004) Notation of the developmental stages of the British grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) with variable numbers of instars. Entomologist’s Gazette 55: 181-183.
    • Cherrill, A.J. (2004) An autecological comparison of common and scarce plants of hedgerow ground floras in northern England. Aspects of Applied Biology 72: 191-200.
    • Cherrill, A.J. (2002) Relationships between oviposition date, hatch date, and offspring size in the grasshopper Chorthippus brunneus. Ecological Entomology 27: 521-528.
    • Holmes, S., Cherrill, A.J. & Davies, M. (2002) The surface characteristics of pedal mucus: a potential aid to the settlement of marine organisms? Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 82: 131-139.
    • Cherrill, A.J. & McClean, C. (2001) Omission and commission errors in the field mapping of linear boundary features: Implications for the interpretation of maps and organisation of surveys. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 44: 331-343.
    • Holmes, S., Sturgess, C., Cherrill, A.J. & Davies, M. (2001) Shell wiping in Calliostoma zizyphinum: the use of pedal mucus as a provendering agent and its contribution to energetic requirements. Marine Ecology Progress Series 212: 171-181.
    • Cherrill, A.J., Mercer, C., McClean, C. & Tudor, G. (2001) Assessing the floristic diversity of hedge networks: a landscape perspective. Landscape Research 26: 55-64.
    • Cherrill, A.J. & McClean, C. (2000) Lack of precision in mapping upland habitats and preliminary conservation assessments. Aspects of Applied Biology 58: 167-172
    • Maule, H., Andrews, M., Watson, C. & Cherrill, A.J. (2000) Distribution, biomass and effect on native species of Impatiens glandulifera in a deciduous woodland in northeast England. Aspects of Applied Biology 58: 31-38.




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