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    Staff Directory

    Dr Robert Wilkinson

    BSc, MSc, PhD

    Principal Lecturer

    Photograph of Robert

    Teaching Duties

    Currently teaching animal nutrition and related animal science subjects to MSc, BSc and FdSc students. In addition contributing to range of short courses for industry including the Diploma in Ruminant Nutrition (Dip RN) and AMTRA.

    Research Interests

    Interested in energy/protein interactions in ruminants, production and utilisation of alternative forages and manipulation of the fatty acid composition of ruminant products. Recent research has concentrated on late pregnancy nutrition of ewes and the effects of fatty acids and vitamin E on neonatal lamb vigour.

    Professional Memberships

    • Member British Society of Animal Science
    • Fellow Higher Education Academy

    Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment

    Research: Beef and Sheep Research Group

    Research: Dairy, Heifer and Calf Research Group

    Tel: +44 (0)1952 815326

    Fax: +44 (0)1952 814783

    Research profile:


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    Other publications

    • Woodgate, S.L., Wan, A.H.L., Hartnett, F., Wilkinson, R.G. and Davies, S.J. (2022) The utilisation of European processed animal proteins as safe, sustainable and circular ingredients for global aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture DOI: 10.1111/raq.12663
    • Woodgate, S.L. and Wilkinson, R.G. (2021) The role of rendering in relation to the bovine spongiform encephalopathy epidemic, the development of EU animal by-product legislation and the reintroduction of rendered products into animal feeds. Annals of Applied Biology 178 (3): 430-441
    • Tayyab, U., Wilkinson, R.G. and Sinclair, L.A. (2019) Grass silage particle size, when fed with or without maize silage alters performance, reticular pH and metabolism of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows Animal 13 (3): 524-532
    • Kirby, M.E., Theodorou, M.K., Brizuela, C.M., Huntington, J.A., Powles, J. and Wilkinson, R.G. (2018) The anaerobic digestion of pig carcase with or without sugar beet pulp as a novel on-farm disposal method. Waste Management 75: 251-260
    • Hart, K.J., Huntington, J.A., Wilkinson, R.G., Bartam, C.G. and Sinclair, L.A. (2015) The influence of grass silage-to-maize silage ratio and concentrate composition on methane emissions, performance and milk composition of dairy cows. Animal 9 (6): 983-991
    • Weerasinghe, W.M.P.B., Wilkinson, R.G. Lock, A.L. Veth, M.J.de., Bauman, D.E. and Sinclair, L.A. (2012) Effect of a supplement containing trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid on the performance of dairy ewes fed two levels of metabolisable protein at a restricted energy intake. Journal of Dairy Science 95 (1): 109-116
    • Kasapidou, E., Wood, J.D., Richardson, R., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G. and Enser, M. (2012) Effect of vitamin E supplementation and diet on fatty acid composition and on meat colour and lipid oxidation of lamb leg steaks displayed in modified atmosphere packs. Meat Science 90 (4): 908-916
    • Ramirez, A.D., Humphries, A.C., Woodgate, S.L. and Wilkinson, R.G. (2012) Greenhouse gas life-cycle assessment of products arising from the rendering of animal by-products in the UK. Environmental Science and Technology 46: 447-453
    • Hart, K.J., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson,R.G. and Huntington, J.A. (2011) Effect of whole-crop pea (Pisum sativum L.) silages differing in condensed tannin content as a substitute for grass silage and soybean meal on the performance, metabolism and carcase characteristics of lamb. Journal of Animal Science 89: 3663-3676
    • Kirby, M., Brizuela, C. and Wilkinson, R. (2010) Investigation of farmers' perspectives on the disposal of fallen livestock and animal by-products in Great Britain. Veterinary Record 167: 606-609
    • Sinclair, L.A., Weeransinghe, W.M.P.B., Wilkinson, R.G., Veth, M.J. de., Bauman, D.E. (2010) A supplement containing trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid reduces milk fat yield but can alter organ weight or body fat deposition in lactating ewes. Journal of Nutrition 140 (11): 1949-1955
    • Kasapidou, E., Enser, M., Wood, J.D., Richardson, R.I., Wilkinson, R.G. and Sinclair, L.A. (2009) Influence of vitamin E supplementation and basal diet on the vitamin E status, performance and tissue fatty acid concentration in lambs. Animal 3 (4): 516-526
    • Sinclair, L.A., Hart, K.J., Wilkinson, R.G. and Huntington, J.A. (2009) Effects of inclusion of whole-crop pea silages differing in their tannin content on the performance of dairy cows fed high or low protein concentrates. Livestock Science 124: 306-313
    • Lloyd, A.S., Martin, J.E., Borrett-Gauci, H.L.I. and Wilkinson, R.G. (2008) Horse personality: Variation between breeds. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 112: 369-383
    • Capper, J.L., Wilkinson, R.G., Mackenzie, A.M. and Sinclair, L.A. (2007) The effect of fishoil supplementation of pregnant and lactating ewes on milk production and lamb performance Animal 1:6 889-898
    • Lloyd, A.S., Martin, J.E., Borrett-Gauci, H.L. and Wilkinson, R.G. (2007) Evaluation of a novel method of horse personality assessment: Rater-agreement and links to behaviour. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 105 205-222
    • Capper, J.L., Wilkinson, R.G.,Mackenzie, A.M. and Sinclair, L.A. (2006) Polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation during pregnancy alters neonatal behaviour in shhep Journal of Nutrition 136 397-403
    • Capper, J.L., Wilkinson, R.G., Kasapidou, E., Pattinson, S.E., Mackenzie, A.M. and Sinclair, L.A. (2005) The effect of dietary vitamin E and fatty acid supplementation of pregnant and lactating ewes on placental and mammary transfer of vitamin E to the lamb. British Journal of Nutrition 93 549-557
    • Elmore, S.J., Cooper, S.L., Enser, M., Mottram, D.S., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G. and Wood, J.D. (2005) Dietary manipulation of fatty acid composition in lamb meat and its effect on the volatile aroma compounds of grilled lamb. Meat Science 69 233-242.
    • Chikunya, S., Demirel, G,. Enser, M. Wood, J.D., Wilkinson, R.G and Sinclair, L.A. (2004) Biohydrogenation of dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and stability of ingested vitamin E in the rumen and their effects on microbial activity in sheep. British Journal Nutrition 91 539-550.
    • Cooper, S.L., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G., Enser, M and Wood, J.D. (2004) Manipulation of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content of muscle and adipose tissue in lambs. Jounal of Animal Science 82 1461-1470.
    • Demirel, G., Wachira, A.M., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G., Wood, J.D. and Enser , M. (2004) Effects of dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, breed and dietary vitamin E on the fatty in lamb muscle, liver and adipose tissue. British Journal of Nutrition 91 551-565.
    • Richardson, J.M., Wilkinson, R.G. and Sinclair, L.A. (2003) Synchrony of nutrient supply to the rumen and dietary energy source and their effects on the growth and metabolism of lambs. Journal of Animal Science 81: 1332 - 1347.
    • Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G. and Ferguson, D.M.R. (2003) Effects of crop maturity and cutting height on the nutritive value of fermented whole crop wheat and milk production in dairy cows. Livestock Production Science 81: 257 - 269.
    • Wachira, A.M., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G., Enser, M., Wood, J.D. and Fisher, A.V. (2002) Effects of dietary fat source and breed on the carcass composition, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid and conjugated linoleic acid content of sheepmeat and adipose tissue. British Journal of Nutrition 88: 697 - 709.
    • Wachira, A.M., Sinclair, L.A., Wilkinson, R.G., Hallett, K., Enser, M. and Wood, J.D. (2000) Rumen biohydrogenation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and their effect on microbial efficiency and nutrient digestibility in sheep. Journal of Agricultural Science 135: 419 - 428.
    • Wilkinson, R.G., Sinclair, L.A., Powles, J and Minter, C.M. (2000) Response of lactating ewes grazing grass to variations in effective rumen degradable protein and digestible undegradable protein supply from concentrate supplements. Animal Science 71: 369 -379
    Additional Information

    Books and book chapters

    McDonald, P., Edwards, R.A., Greenhalgh, J.F.D., Morgan, C.A., Sinclair, L.A. and Wilkinson, R.G. (2022) Animal Nutrition (8th edition). Pearson Education Limited, Harlow UK.

    McDonald, P., Edwards, R.A., Greenhalgh, J.F.D., Morgan, C.A., Sinclair, L.A. and Wilkinson, R.G. (2011) Animal Nutrition (7th edition). Pearson Education Limited, Harlow UK. 

    Sinclair, L.A. and Wilkinson, R.G. (2000). Feeding Systems for Sheep. In: Feeding Systems and Feed Evaluation Models (eds M.K. Theodorou and J. France). CAB International Ltd, Wallingford UK.

    Other Roles

    Reviewer for the Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)


    You can contact Dr Robert Wilkinson if you would like to discuss any of the following course modules:



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