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    Staff Directory

    Professor Simon Edwards

    Professor of Plant Pathology

    Photograph of Simon

    Teaching Duties

    • Course leader for Postgraduate Plant Pathology
    • Course leader for Postgraduate Plant Health and Biosecurity
    • Module leader for Biology and epidemiology of plant pathogens
    • Module leader for Diagnostics and management of plant pathogens
    • Module leader for Plant biosecurity
    • Module leader for Surveillance and diagnostics
    • Module leader for Plant health principles
    • Module leader for Plant health practices
    • Teach on Post-harvest technology
    • PhD training in Molecular diagnostics
    • PhD training in Statistics (Genstat)

    Research Interests

    • Development and validation of quantitative PCR assays for plant pests and pathogens
    • Fusarium head blight and mycotoxin production in cereals
    • Agricultural and process contaminants

    Current/Recent projects:

    • Bayer Cereal seed-borne disease resurgence (2021-2026) 
    • AHDB Fungicide performance (2014-2024) (Partner)
    • EU MyToolBox (2016-2020) (Workpackage leader)
    • SafeOats (2016-2019) (International expert for NIBIO project, Norway)
    • AHDB/Felix Cobbold Trust/Perry Foundation PhD Studentship Fusarium resistance in oat varieties (2016-2021)
    • HGCA  Mycotoxin Survey of DON levels in Recommended List Wheat and Barley Varieties 2012 (2012-2013)
    • HGCA  Fusarium mycotoxins in UK oat varieties (Extension 2012-2015)
    • HGCA  Improved modelling of Fusarium to aid mycotoxin prediction in UK wheat (Extension 2012-2014) (Lead scientist of grant, partner FERA)
    • HGCA/HAUC PhD Studentship Fusarium resistance in UK oat varieties (2012-2014)
    • TSB  Protecting the malting and brewing quality of UK barley cultivars through effective FHB disease control strategies (2010-2013) (Partner on TSB grant, co-ordinated by Velcourt)
    • Bayer CropScience/HAUC PhD Studentship  Impact of post anthesis rainfall on the production and distribution of fusarium mycotoxins in wheat (2010-2013).
    • LINK/HGCA  QUOATS: Harnessing new technologies for sustainable oat production and utilisation (2009-2014) (Partner on LINK grant, co-ordinated by IBER)
    • HGCA  Improved modelling of Fusarium to aid mycotoxin prediction in UK wheat (2009-2012) (Lead scientist of grant, partners FERA and TAG)
    • HGCA Fusarium mycotoxins in UK oat varieties (2009-2012)
    • HGCA PhD Studentship Study of Fusarium langsethiae infection of cereals (2009-2012)
    • LINK/HGCA  Challenges from climate change on disease management in sustainable arable systems (2008-2010) (partner on LINK grant, co-ordinated by Rothamsted)
    • FSA  Impact of agronomic practices on the mycotoxin levels in oats (2008-2012)

    Professional Memberships

    • Member of JECFA (Joint Expert Committee of WHO/FAO on food additives and contaminants)
    • British Society for Plant Pathology
    • International Society for Mycotoxicology
    • Society for Mycotoxin Research

    Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment

    Research: Nematology Research Group

    Tel: +44 (0)1952 815226

    Fax: +44 (0)1952 814268

    Office: TF7 Foulkes Crowther Building

    Research profile:

    Research profile:


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    Other publications

    • KRSKA R, DE NIJS M, MCNERNEY, PICHLER OM, GILBERT J, EDWARDS S, SUMAN M, MAGAN N, ROSSI V, VAN DER FELS-KLERX HJ, BAGI F, POSCHMAIER B, SULYOK M, BERTHILLER F & VAN EGMOND HP (2016) Safe food and feed through an integrated toolbox for mycotoxin management: the MyToolBox approach World Mycotoxin Journal 9: 487-495
    • HJELKREM A-GR, TORP T, BRODAL G, AAMOT HU, STRAND E, NORDSKOG B, DILL-MACKY R, EDWARDS SG and HOFGAARD IS (2016) DON content in oat grains in Norway related to weather conditions at different growth stages Eur J Plant Pathol 148: 577-594
    • AL-SADI A, AL-OWEISI F, EDWARDS SG, AL-NADABI H, AL-FAHDI A (2015) Genetic analysis reveals diversity and genetic relationship among Trichoderma isolates from potting media, cultivated soil and uncultivated soil 15:147-157
    • HU X, MADDEN LV, EDWARDS SG & XU X (2015) Combining models is more likely to give better predictions than single models Phytopathology 105:1174-1182
    • KHARBIKAR L L, DICKIN E T & EDWARDS S G. (2015) Impact of post-anthesis rainfall, fungicide and harvesting time on the concentration of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in wheat Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 32:2075-2085
    • XU X-M, MADDEN LV & EDWARDS SG (2014) Modelling the effects of environmental conditions on HT2 and T2 toxin accumulation in field oat grains. Phytopathology 104:57-66
    • NIELSEN LK, COOK DJ, EDWARDS SG & RAY R.V (2014) The prevalence and impact of Fusarium Head Blight pathogens and mycotoxins on malting barley quality. International Journal of Food Microbiology 179: 38 –49
    • IMATHIU SM, EDWARDS SG, RAY RV & BACK M (2014) Artificial inoculum and inoculation techniques commonly used in the investigation of fusarium Head blight in cereals Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica 49: 129–139
    • VAN DER FELS-KLERX HJ, EDWARDS SG, KENNEDY MC, O’HAGAN S, O’MAHONY C, SCHOLZ G, STEINBERG P, CHIODINI A (2014) A framework to determine the effectiveness of dietary exposure mitigation to chemical contaminants Food and Chemical Toxicology 4: 360–371
    • XU XM, MADDEN LV, EDWARDS SG, DOOHAN FM, MORETTI A, HORNOK L, NICHOLSON P and RITIENI A (2013) Developing logistic models to relate the accumulation of DON associated with Fusarium head blight to climatic conditions in Europe European Journal of Plant Pathology 137:689-706
    • IMATHIU SM, RAY RV, BACK MA, HARE MC & EDWARDS SG (2013) A survey investigating the infection of Fusarium langsethiae and production of HT-2 and T-2 mycotoxins in UK oat fields Journal of Phytopathology 161:553-561
    • OPOKU N, BACK MA & EDWARDS SG (2013) Development of Fusarium langsethiae in commercial cereal production European Journal of Plant Pathology 136 (159-170)
    • MARSHALL A, COWAN C, EDWARDS S, GRIFFITHS I, HOWARTH C, LANGDON T & WHITE E (2013) Crops that feed the world 9. Oats- a cereal crop for human and livestock feed with industrial applications Food Security 5: 13-33
    • IMATHIU SM, EDWARDS SG, RAY RV and BACK MA (2013) Fusarium langsethiae – a HT-2 and T-2 toxins producer that needs more attention. Journal of Phytopathology 161: 1-10
    • PIRGOZLIEV SR, RAY RV, EDWARDS SG, HARE MC, JENKINSON P (2012) Studies on the interactions between fungicides, Alternaria tenuissima, Cladosporium herbarum and Microdochium spp., on Fusarium head blight (FHB) development and deoxynivalenol (DON) concentration in grain caused by Fusarium culmorum. Cereal Research Communications 40: 509-517
    • WEST JS, HOLDGATE S, TOWNSEND JA, EDWARDS SG, JENNINGS P, FITT BDL (2012) Impacts of changing climate and agronomic factors on fusarium ear blight of wheat in the UK. Fungal Ecology 5: 53-61
    • EDWARDS SG, IMATHIU SM, RAY RV, BACK M and HARE MC (2012) Molecular studies to identify the Fusarium species responsible for HT-2 and T-2 mycotoxins in UK oats. International Journal of Food Microbiology 156: 168-175
    • KRISS AB, PAUL PA, XU XM, NICHOLSON P, DOOHAN FM, HORNOK L, RIETINI A, EDWARDS SG and MADDEN LV (2012) Quantification of the relationship between the environment and Fusarium head blight, Fusarium pathogen density, and mycotoxins in winter wheat in Europe. European Journal of Plant Pathology 133: 975-993
    • OPOKU N, BACK M, EDWARDS SG (2011) Aggressiveness of Fusarium langsethiae isolates towards wheat, barley and oats in an in vitro leaf assay Plant Breeding and Seed Science 64: 55-63
    • EDWARDS SG, ANDERSON E (2011) Impact of agronomy on HT-2 and T-2 toxin content of oats Plant Breeding and Seed Science 63: 49-57
    • Edwards SG (2011) Zearalenone risk in European wheat. World Mycotoxin Journal 4: 433-438
    • EDWARDS SG and GODLEY NP (2010) Reduction of Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol in wheat with early fungicide applications of prothioconazole.  27: 629-635 Food Additives and Contaminants 27: 629-635
    • OSBORN RK, HAYDOCK PPJ and EDWARDS SG (2010) Isolation and identification of oxamyl-degrading bacteria from UK agricultural soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 42: 998-1000
    • OSBORN RK, EDWARDS SG, WILCOX A and HAYDOCK PPJ (2010) Potential enhanced degradation of the nematicides aldicarb, oxamyl and fosthiazate in UK agricultural soils through repeated applications.  Pest Management Science 66: 253-261
    • IMATHIU SM, HARE MC, RAY RV, BACK M and EDWARDS SG (2010) Evaluation of pathogenicity and aggressiveness of F. langsethiae on oats and wheat seedlings relative to known seedling blight pathogens. European Journal of Plant Pathology 126: 203-216.
    • GLYNN NC and EDWARDS SG (2010) Evaluation of PCR assays for quantifying seed-borne infection by Fusarium and Microdochium seedling blight pathogens.  Journal of Applied Microbiology 108: 81-87.
    • SCUDAMORE K, PATEL S and EDWARDS SG (2009) HT-2 toxin and T-2 toxin in commercial cereal processing in the UK, 2004-2007.  World Mycotoxin Journal 2: 357-365.
    • EDWARDS SG, BARRIER-GUILLOT B, CLASEN P-E, HIETANIEMI V AND PETTERSSON H (2009) Emerging issues of HT-2 and T-2 toxins in European cereal production.  World Mycotoxin Journal 2: 173-179
    • EDWARDS SG (2009) Fusarium mycotoxin content of UK organic and conventional barley.  Food Additives and Contaminants 26: 1185-1190
    • EDWARDS SG (2009) Fusarium mycotoxin content of UK organic and conventional wheat.   Food Additives and Contaminants 26: 496-506
    • EDWARDS SG (2009) Fusarium mycotoxin content of UK organic and conventional oats.   Food Additives and Contaminants 26:1063-1069
    • IMATHIU SM, RAY RV, BACK M, HARE MC and EDWARDS SG (2009) Fusarium langsethiae pathogenicity and aggressiveness towards oats and wheat in wounded and unwounded in vitro detached leaf assays. European Journal of Plant Pathology 124:117-126
    • Clewes E, Edwards SG & Barbara DJ (2008) Direct molecular evidence supports long-spored microsclerotial isolates of Verticillium from crucifers being interspecific hybrids.  Plant Pathology 57:1047-1057
    • Xu X-M, Nicholson P, Thomsett MA, Simpson D Cooke BM, Doohan FM, Brennan J, Monaghan S, Moretti A, Mule G, Hornok l, Beki E , Tatnell J, Ritieni A & Edwards SG (2008) Relationship between the fungal complex causing Fusarium head blight in wheat and environmental conditions. Phytopathology 98: 69-78
    • Xu X-M, Parry DW, Nicholson P, Thomsett MA, Simpson D, Edwards SG, Cooke BM, Doohan FM, Monaghan S, Moretti A, Tocco G, Mule G, Hornok L, Beki E, Tatnell J and Ritieni A (2008) Within-field variability of Fusarium head blight pathogens and their associated mycotoxins. European Journal of Plant Pathology 120: 21-34
    • Glynn NC, Hare MC & Edwards SG (2008) Fungicide seed treatment efficacy against Microdochium nivale and M. majus in vitro and in vivo. Pest Management Science 64:793-799
    • Woodhall JW, Lees AK, Edwards SG & Jenkinson P (2008) Infection of potato by Rhizoctonia solani: effect of anastomosis group.   Plant Pathology 57:897-905
    • Glynn N, RAY R, Edwards SG, Hare MC, Parry DW, Barnett C & Beck J (2007) Quantitative Fusarium spp. and Microdochium spp. PCR assays to evaluate seed treatments for the control of Fusarium seedling blight of wheat. Journal of Applied Microbiology 102: 1645-1653
    • Woodhall JW, Lees AK, Edwards SG & Jenkinson P (2007) Characterization of Rhizoctonia solani from potato in Great Britain.   Plant Pathology 56: 286-295
    • Scudamore KA, Baillie H, Patel S and Edwards SG (2007) The occurrence and fate of Fusarium mycotoxins during the industrial processing of oats in the UK. Food Additives and Contaminants 24: 1374-1385 ()
    • Ray R.V., Crook M.J., Jenkinson P. and Edwards S.G. (2006) Effect of eyespot caused by Oculimacula yallundae and O. acuformis, assessed visually and by quantitative PCR, on stem strength associated with lodging resistance and yield of winter wheat.   Journal of Experimental Botany. 57: 2249-2257
    • Glynn N., Hare M.C., Parry D.W. and Edwards S.G. (2005) Phylogenetic analysis of EF-1 alpha gene sequences from isolates of Microdochium nivale leads to elevation of varieties majus and nivale to species status.   Mycological Research. 109: 872–880
    • Xu X.M., Parry D.W., Nicholson P., Thomsett M.A., Simpson D., Edwards S.G., Cooke B.M., Doohan F.M., Brennan J.M., Moretti A., Tocco G., Mule G., Hornok L., Giczey G. and Tatnell J. (2005) Predominance and association of pathogenic fungi causing Fusarium ear blight in wheat in four European countries.   European Journal of Plant Pathology. 112: 143-154.
    • Edwards S.G. and Ray R. (2005) Fusarium mycotoxins in UK wheat production. The BCPC Congress – Crop Science and Technology 2005. Volume 1. pp.395-402.
    • Edwards S.G. (2004) Investigation of fusarium mycotoxins in UK wheat production. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Fusarium Head Blight, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. pp. 398-400.
    • Pirgozliev S.R., Edwards S.G., Hare M.C. and Jenkinson P. (2004) Studies on the interaction between fungicides , saprophytic microflora and Microdochium nivale, on fusarium head blight caused by Fusarium culmorum. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Fusarium Head Blight. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. p. 366.
    • Xu X.M., Parry D.W., Edwards S.G., Cooke B.M., Doohan F.M., vanMaanen A., Brennan J.M., Monaghan S., Moretti A., Tocco G., Mule G., Hornok L., Giczey G., Tatnell J., Nicholson P. and Ritieni A. (2004) Relationship between the incidences of ear and spikelet infection of Fusarium ear blight in wheat. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 110, 959-971
    • Ray R.V., Jenkinson P. and Edwards S.G. (2004) Effects of fungicides on eyespot, caused predominantly by Oculimacula acuformis, and yield of early-drilled winter wheat. Crop Protection. 23, 1199-1207
    • Edwards S.G. (2004) Influence of agricultural practices on fusarium infection of cereals and subsequent contamination of grain by trichothecene mycotoxins. Toxicology Letters. 153, 29-35
    • Pirgozliev S.R., Edwards S.G., Hare M.C. and Jenkinson P. (2004) Strategies for the control of Fusarium head blight in cereals. In Epidemiology of Mycotoxin Producing Fungi (Eds. X. Xu, J. A. Bailey and B.M. Cooke). Kluwer: Dordrecht, The Netherlands. pp. 731-742
    • Pirgozliev S.R., Edwards S.G., Hare M.C. and Jenkinson P. (2003) Strategies for the control of Fusarium head blight in cereals: A mini review. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 109, 731-742
    • Collins A., Okoli C.A.N., Morton A., Parry D.W., Edwards S.G. and Barbara D.J. (2003) Isolates of Verticillium dahliae pathogenic to crucifers are of at least three distinct molecular types. Phytopathology. 93, 364-376
    • Edwards S.G. (2003) Fusarium mycotoxins in UK wheat. Aspects of Applied Biology. 68, 35-42
    • Xu X.M., Parry D.W., Nicholson P., Thomsett M.A., Simpson D., Edwards S.G., Cooke B.M., Doohan F., van Maanen A., Moretti A. (2003) Is the amount of mycotoxins in cereal grains related to the quantity of Fusarium DNA? Aspects of Applied Biology. 68, 101-108
    • Pirgozliev S.R., Edwards S.G., Hare M.C. and Jenkinson P. (2002) Effect of timing and fungicides on the development of Fusarium head blight (FHB) and accumulation of deoxynivalenol (DON) in winter wheat. Petria. 12, 281-285
    • Edwards S.G. (2002) Investigation of Fusarium mycotoxins in UK wheat production. In Seventh European Seminar on Fusarium - Mycotoxins, Taxonomy and Pathogenicity. The August Cieskowski Agricultural University: Pozna, Poland. p.40
    • Ray R., Edwards S.G. and Jenkinson P. (2002) Chemical control of eyespot and other stem-base pathogens in an early drilled first winter wheat. The BCPC Conference - Pests and Diseases 2002. Volume 2. pp.589-594. ISBN 1 901396 62 2
    • Edwards S.G., O'Callaghan J. and Dobson A.D.W. (2002) PCR-based detection and quantification of mycotoxigenic fungi. Mycological Research. 106, 1005-1025
    • Turner A.S., Nicholson P., Edwards S.G., Bateman G.L., Morgan L.W., Todd A.D., Parry D.W., Marshall J. and Nuttall M. (2002) Relationship between brown foot rot and DNA of Microdochium nivale, determined by quantitative PCR, in stem bases of winter wheat. Plant Pathology. 51, 464-471
    • Pirgozliev S.R., Edwards S.G., Hare M.C. and Jenkinson P. (2002) Effect of dose rate of azoxystrobin and metconazole on the development of fusarium head blight and the accumulation of deoxynivalenol (DON) in wheat grain. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 108, 469-478
    • Nicholson P., Turner A.S., Edwards S.G., Bateman G.L., Morgan L.W., Parry D.W., Marshall J. and Nuttall M. (2002) Development of stem-base pathogens on different cultivars of winter wheat determined by quantitative PCR. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 108, 163-177
    • Edwards S.G., Pirgozliev S.R., Hare M.C. and Jenkinson P. (2001) Quantification of trichothecene-producing Fusarium species in harvested grain by competitive PCR to determine the efficacy of fungicides against fusarium head blight of winter wheat. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 67, 1575-1580.
    • Edwards S.G. and Seddon B. (2001) Mode antagonism of Brevibacillus brevis against Botrytis cinerea in vitro.  Journal of Applied Microbiology. 91, 652-659.
    • Turner A.S., Nicholson P., Edwards S.G., Bateman G.L., Morgan L.W., Todd A.D., Parry D.W., Marshall J. and Nuttall M. (2001) Evaluation of diagnostic and quantitative PCR for the identification and severity assessment of eyespot and sharp eyespot in winter wheat. Plant Pathology. 50, 463-469.
    • Edwards S.G. and Seddon B. (2001) Selective media for the specific isolation and enumeration of Botrytis cinerea conidia. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 32, 63-66.
    • Glynn N.C., Edwards S.G., Hare M.C., Parry D.W. and Brandl F. (2001) Studies on the incidence and control of Fusarium seedling blight of wheat caused by M. nivale var. majus, var. nivale and Fusarium spp. using PCR diagnostics. Seed Treatment, Challenges and Opportunities. pp.231-234. ISBN 1 901396 76 2
    Additional Information
    • Independent expert evaluator for various national grant funding schemes




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